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Englisch Bug Reports

248 Antworten
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alt Re: Bug Reports

Admin On Online

yes. it has been added with this new version as you can see in the changelog.

alt Re: Bug Reports

Admin On Online

errrm. why should someone want to do this? just use the latest version and everything will work fine. there is no reason to use the old version instead of the new one.

alt Re: Bug Reports

Super User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
errrm. why should someone want to do this? just use the latest version and everything will work fine. there is no reason to use the old version instead of the new one.

It's simple, because this new version is only in German yet. But I had an idea: Wouldn't be tinkering just to replace german strings.inf by english strings.inf from older version?

alt Re: Bug Reports

Super User Off Offline

MrCowThing hat geschrieben
The new version is English.

... I downloaded the German version... sorry
However... I have edited most of infs by creating my items.... Can I import it to new version?
BTW: The eagle is really great

alt Re: Bug Reports

Flying Lizard
User Off Offline

just exchange the exe file, and afterwrds put the new lines into the game.inf, that's all

alt Re: Bug Reports

Super User Off Offline

Flying Lizard hat geschrieben
just exchange the exe file, and afterwrds put the new lines into the game.inf, that's all

Good, and it's not tinkering?

alt Re: Bug Reports

Flying Lizard
User Off Offline

no, that's not much work, unless you want to put all the changes on objects, new object und changings of definitions into your mod too.
If you want to do this you're looking forward to a lot of work

alt Re: Bug Reports

Super User Off Offline

Flying Lizard hat geschrieben
no, that's not much work, unless you want to put all the changes on objects, new object und changings of definitions into your mod too.
If you want to do this you're looking forward to a lot of work

Phew, I've done it. And it was really laborious

alt Re: Bug Reports

User Off Offline

I'm not sure if this should be a bug report or a request, but when in the map editor I can't use the numpad to type numbers, I have to use the ones above the letters. It's not to bad, but I'm use to the numpad when typing numbers.

alt Re: Bug Reports

User Off Offline

this isnt a bug. its like in many other games.

alt Re: Bug Reports

User Off Offline

CN hat geschrieben
this isnt a bug. its like in many other games.

It still gets annoying though.

Also when I test a map then go back to edit it, debug mode stays on, so theres circles around units, making it so you can't grab them. It can be fixed by turning debug mode off before going to edit.

alt Re: Bug Reports

Super User Off Offline

Just type into console "debug", I don't think, it is much work...
You're right that typing numbers only with upper keys is annoying, but you'll have to get used to it. So did I(and I think everyone)...

Admin/Mod Kommentar

he already knew how to turn off debug mode. if you had read his post clearly you would know that /Flying Lizard

alt Re: Bug Reports

User Off Offline

I was looking for a bug and I found one at version! <- looking for bug?! (weird..)

I made spawning info for sheep and finished it
Then there is a green, half-invisible sheep in my crosshair. I clicked for making sheep.
then, spawning info there, not sheep.

alt Re: Bug Reports

Flying Lizard
User Off Offline

as far as i understood you changed the info.inf
How about you just post the definition of your info, so we can tell you were your mistake is?

alt Re: Bug Reports

Super User Off Offline

Flying Lizard hat geschrieben
he already knew how to turn off debug mode. if you had read his post clearly you would know that /Flying Lizard

Ok, look at the time of when I sent the message

alt Re: Bug Reports

User Off Offline

I just downloaded a new version and execute it...
Well, it doesn't matter to the game much anyways..


I found out that units aren't dying by gate-closing pressure...

alt Re: Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Yeah, theres not very good physics, so things don't get hurt by object falling on them, or even move when hit by something.

But couldn't you add something so if the door is closed, and theres a unit under it they will instantly get hurt, enough so they die?
1× editiert, zuletzt 16.03.08 16:00:55

alt Re: Bug Reports

Admin On Online

yeah it should be possible to realize this with some lines of script. I'll probably add it when I make another update.
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